
Design to me has always been a field which has fascinated me since my childhood. It gave me immense satisfaction when figments of my imagination can be transformed into a physical reality. My passion for design blend coherently to yield innovative and interdisciplinary solutions. I am constantly on the lookout for enriching experiences and opportunities which will help me contribute positively to the world I live in and make it a better place. Moreover I have interest in robotics, travelling and aqua scaping.
My Experience
Aug 2023 - Present
Georgia Institute of Technology
Masters in Human Computer Interaction
Oct 2021 - Jun 2023
Designing and developing motion capturing wearable for medical and VR applications
Jan 2020 - Oct 2021
Invento Robotics
Responsible for product development for interaction and medical robots
May 2020 - July 2020
IIT Bombay
Designed a compact Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Aug 2016 - Aug 2020
BMS Institute of Technology
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering